Tyranny 2015? A couple thousand multibillionaires, who are ruled by a couple of families, who are even richer..

Then the sellouts (military, politicians, technocrats, banksters, managers)…

..the rest are: media-controlled slaves.

Wake the fuck up and open your mouth!

A money-elite protecting themselves against a world population, that’s waking up thanx to the internet.

That’s why they are implementing „Net neutrality“ – which is black-is-white – the total contrary: censorship.

That’s why they’re implementing „thought crime“ (you can’t say: „I don’t believe Paris,  Boston or  Sandy Hook, the official 911-story or German Wings“ – you’ll go to jail. Like if you said, you didn’t believe, 6 Mio Jews were gassed in WW2. If you don’t accept the official story without question, you’ll go to jail, they’ll ruin your life – or just kill you. We’re at the edge, people! A few more steps, and you’ll be disappeared for thinking and saying what you think!

Follow the media, uncover their lies and talk about it! We need to change the media and the monetary system. But it has to happen without wars, without bloody revolution. We just have to start talking about it: about the corrupted media and the corrupted monetary system. Both must be changed, unless we want to wake up in a totalitarian dystopia with a ruling elite of half-gods that stand above law and to whom you belong, and a slave-class of a few remaining halfwitted, sterilized, vaccinated until totally dumbed-down idiots, who serve as free labor for the jobs that haven’t been robotized. You think, your seat as a tax-office-employee will be needed then? OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES AND TALK ABOUT WHAT’S GOING ON!



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