RSS feed for this sectionKlima-Lüge
- The Climate Change Hoax – the best documentary regarding the CO2-scare.
- To watch this, some intelligence actually is required. But if you already know it all: don’t bother and stay inside your walls.
- Warum die Machteliten Angst vor dem Volk haben. Die Illusion von Demokratie. UNBEDINGT ANHÖREN!!
- The vomit coming out of Obama and Merkel is simply disgusting. Just fucking disgusting. But hear for yourself. You won’t believe your ears.
- The Church of Wikipedia: Wiki’s gefährliche Meinungsmache und Charaktermorde am Beispiel des Historikers Dr. Daniele Ganser
- Chemtrails all over the world – these pictures are taken in Zurich…
- Tyranny 2015? A couple thousand multibillionaires, who are ruled by a couple of families, who are even richer..
- So funktioniert die Welt: Oben das Kapital – unten die Sklaven. Was für eine dumme Verschwörungstheorie.
- Aussagen zu Chemtrails: Piloten, Ärzte und andere. EIN MUSS, LEUTE!
- A genius of our times: Jaques Fresco – Venus Project